Supervisory order on the integrated administration of the Brcko District

In accordance with Paragraph 37 of the Brcko Final Award of March 5 1999 and Article 3 of the Annex of Brcko Final Arbitral Award of August 18, 1999 providing for the power of the Supervisor to dissolve existing administrative bodies within the Brcko District and consolidate them into an integrated administration;

In furtherance of the Supervisory Order on the Appointment of Members of the Interim Government of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina of March 8, 2000;

In accordance with Paragraph 9 of the Final Award and Article 1 (2) of the Statute of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina providing that the District derives its powers by virtue of each Entity having delegated all of its powers of governance as previously exercised by the two Entities and three municipal governments to the District Government;

Bearing in mind Paragraph 7 of the Agreement on Implementation of Entity Obligations Set Forth by the Final Arbitral Award for Brcko signed by the Entities on October 24, 2000, setting forth the obligation of the Entities to develop a plan on reassignment or post-employment benefits (i.e. severance packages, early retirement schemes, training and job replacement) for the public employees who were employed by the administrative bodies succeeded by the Brcko District and have not been selected for employment in the integrated administration of the Brcko District, including funding a six-month severance packages of 350 KM per month and customary social security benefits for each of the aforementioned employees;

Following the public competition for positions in the integrated administration of the Brcko District undertaken by the Government of the Brcko District in compliance with Article 21 of the Statute and under the direction of my office;

I hereby issue following Order:

1.      On October 31, 2001, all Entity administrative bodies and the working positions therein, whose powers have been delegated to the Brcko District shall cease to exist.

2.      Public employees of the aforementioned bodies who have not been selected for employment in the integrated administration of the Brcko District shall be entitled to:

a) Continue receiving salaries and customary social security benefits until October 31, 2001 in accordance with the Budget of the Brcko District;

b) Receive severance packages and customary social security benefits for the period November 1, 2001 until December 31, 2001 as specified in the Budget of the Brcko District;

c) Receive all benefits provided in Paragraph 7 of the Agreement on the Implementation of Entity Obligations Set Forth by the Final Arbitral Award for Brcko of October 24, 2000, as of January 1, 2002.

3.      The integrated administration of the Brcko District shall be organized in accordance with the Organizational Plan of the Brcko District Administration as specified in Articles 9 (16) and 23 (3) of the District Law on Executive Authority and the Budget of the Brcko District.

4.   This Order shall have an immediate effect and shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Brcko District.



Henry L. Clarke

Deputy High Representative

Supervisor of Brcko

Posted in Supervisory orders


The International Community believes that the Brcko authorities have the institutional capacity to serve the people of the District and to address the challenges which residents face.

